Shadow Tests
Just playing with some soft-shadow techniques for these images.
The wooden toy in the first image is an attempt to recreate an image found here that was produced using a comercial soft-shadow plugin called Shadow Designer from Evasion 3D. I created the object from scratch and tried to duplicate the soft-shadow effect without using a plugin.
Rendered On: Pentium 4 @ 2.7Ghz Lightwave Version: 7.5
Garden Lamp
I modelled the garden lamp from a real object.
The metal shape and brushed/dented aluminium surface is accurately textured.
The small night light candle casts interesting shadows from within the lamp structure.
Rendered On: Athlon XP1800+ Lightwave Version: 6.5
A classic item to attempt in 3D is a candle object with a realistic flame.
The running wax is modelled by hand and the glowing centre of the candle uses an image map to simulate the lighter colour at the centre.
A more modern version would use a plugin such as Worley G2 to correctly simulate diffusion of the light through the wax surface.
Rendered On: Athlon 1Ghz Lightwave Version: 6.0
Dark Subway
One of my first 'full' Lightwave scenes - all the objects in the scene were created from scratch.
The interesting images on the walls of the subway are real graffiti photos from New York.
It is designed to look darker and nastier than the majority of my scenes.
Rendered On: Pentium 3 500Mhz Lightwave Version: 5.6
UFO Mountain
One of my favoriate scenes. I created this over several days for a Lightwave competition to create a scene using the new water and snow/rust plugins that were released with the then current Lightwave version.
It did not win but received an honorable mention.
Rendered On: Pentium 3 500Mhz Lightwave Version: 5.6
A pretty realistic model of the original Sony Playstation. Complete with real panel detail.
Rendered On: Pentium 200Mhz Lightwave Version: 5.6
Matrix Kenny
Inspired from a render called 'The Fattrix' which features the South Park characters as Matrix look-a-likes.
Rendered On: Pentium 3 500Mhz Lightwave Version: 5.6
Coffee Mug
One of my favorite objects, created for a project at work but used in many of my scenes.
The cracked and chipped version uses the IFW Textures package to created the dented effect.
The steam rising from the coffee is created using Lightwave's built in smoke and steam plugins.
Rendered On: Pentium 200Mhz Lightwave Version: 5.6
Sunset and Moonlight
Playing around with a water effect surface for the ocean and various lighting setups to create a scene with a sunset and a scene with a nice moonlit look.
Rendered On: Pentium 200Mhz Lightwave Version: 5.6